Quote of the Week.....

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts"
Winston Churchill

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Dawn Bibby's New Blog

Evening All,

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I have been a little under the weather, I have a nasty Wisdom Tooth coming through and it was really bad, it even made me take to my bed for a few days!

Anyway I have some new cards to share with you so I'll post them tomorrow, it's dark now and I can't get a good shot with the camera.

So would you like to keep up to date with Mrs Bibby herself?

Well here is a link to her brand new Blog

Check it out!

Love S xxx

1 comment:

Lindsay Mason said...

Hi Sarah, you have my sympathy...toothaches must be among the worst pains that we get - ouch! David sends a big hug (and me too of course!) Hope to see you at Topaz at the eekend if you are feeling better. Lindsay x